Accessing the People Insights section, you will be able to filter the information and have an overview at the level of the company or per each department in part, showing you the following details:
1. Filters to filter by different criteria:
View type - if it is company-wide or at the level of department;
Work type - it is employee or contractor;

3. Monthly Headcount, New Hires and Leaves (past 12 months):
Hire and end dates are used as follows:
- people having the hire date within a month will be counted towards new hires for that month;
- people having the end date within a month will be counted towards leaves for that month;
- people having the hire date previous to / or within a month will be counted towards the total number of colleagues for that month;
- people having the end date after / or within a month will be counted towards the total number of colleagues for that month;
The number of colleagues in a month is calculated from the number of colleagues in the previous month plus the number of new colleagues in the month for which it is calculated, and then minus the number of colleagues who left the previous month.
Drag the timeline under the X axis to select a period and discover more insights.