How to define the leave rules

Different company policies imply customized setup of vacation, leave or days off. Mirro allows specialists to define company-specific time-off rules of different types.


Set up custom rules for different types of leave, vacation or other days off:

1. General details about the leave rules in Mirro

When defining a new rule, you will have the possibility to select which type of rule should be:

- Vacation days - leave rule type which will offer you the possibility to set up vacation days per year, based on which the user will be able to make a leave request up to the days specified when the rule was defined. For example, if a leave vacation rule is defined as 21 days, the user will be able to make as many leave requests but up to 21 days only. 

- Special events - leave rule type which will offer you the possibility to set up  one-time special events that require a leave such as marriage, funerals or others, based on which the user will be able to make a leave request up to the days specified when the rule was defined. For example, if a special vacation rule is defined with 5 days, the user will be able to take as many leave requests as needed without having a limit to the number of days. If a user creates two special leave requests each of 5 days, in total the user will be requesting 10 days of special leave. 

- Medical leave -  leave rule type which will offer you the possibility to answer to the user's needs in regards to medical requests. 

- Study leave -  leave rule type which will offer you the possibility to answer to the user's needs in regards to studies requests. 

- Seniority days off - leave rule type which will offer you the possibility to add additional days of vacation based on the tenure earned in the company.

- Public holidays - leave rule type which will offer you the possibility to mark the bank holidays.

The vacation leave rules and seniority leave rules will have an impact on the balance of the users, while the other leave types rules are not going to be taken into consideration. 

2. How to define the leave rules in Mirro

To define a new leave rule, you will need to access the Admin area  module-  Leave Settings   section-   Add a new rule  option. You will need to select in the first place the leave rule type you would like to define.  

Here is all you need to know about each rule type:

Vacation days

- Leave days rule name field: the name of the rule that will appear when the user creates a new leave request
- Short name field: the shortcode that will appear when the payroll / timekeeping is exported
- Days per year field: how many days can be requested as leave from this rule 
- Please select start / end year fields: the start year of the rule when it's going to apply and the end year if the rule is going to expire. 
- Paid field: to define if this type of leave is paid or unpaid 
- Applies to all members field: which will define if the rule should be applicable for all the members of the company or only for some specific positions or some specific locations. 
-Timeoff is carried over next year and expires after X months field: based on which the remaining days from this rule will be carried over for a specific period. 
- Needs approval from direct manager / coordinator field: based on which the request will be approved by the time-off approver selected for each user in part or by the user with the general role of time-off approver. If unselected the request will be approved only by the user who has the general role assigned. 
- Impacts payroll field: based on which the leave request name will be shown in the payroll / timekeeping export. 

Study leave

-Leave rule name: the name of the rule that will appear when the user creates a new leave request
-Short name: the shortcode that will appear when the payroll / timekeeping is exported
-Days per year field: how many days can be requested as leave from this rule 
-Please select start / end year fields: the start year of the rule when to be applied and if the end year if the rule is going to expire. 
-Paid field: to define if this type of leave is paid or unpaid
-Applies to all members field: which will define if the rule should be applicable for all the members of the company or only for some specific positions or some specific locations. 
-Timeoff is carried over next year and expires after X months field: based on which the remaining days from this rule will be carried over for a specific period. 
-Needs approval from direct manager / coordinator field: based on which the request will be approved by the time-off approver selected for each user in part or by the user with the general role of time-off approver. If unselected the request will be approved only by the user who has the general role assigned. 
-Show in payroll & timekeeping exports field: based on which the leave request name will be shown in the payroll / timekeeping export. 

Seniority days off

-Leave rule name: the name of the rule that will appear when the user creates a new leave request
-Extra day(s):  here you can add a certain amount of days after a certain amount of years that the users have been in the company; after you complete with all the information, you will see the TOTAL number of days that can be used after the maximum number of years available for your company
-Please select start / end year fields: the start year of the rule when to be applied and if the end year if the rule is going to expire.
-Paid field: to define if this type of leave is paid or unpaid
-Show in payroll & timekeeping exports field: based on which the leave request name will be shown in the payroll / timekeeping export. 
-Applies to all members field: which will define if the rule should be applicable for all the members of the company or only for some specific positions or some specific locations. 
-Timeoff is carried over next year and expires after X months field: based on which the remaining days from this rule will be carried over for a specific period. 

Public holidays

-Public holiday name: the name of the holiday that the employee can take a day(s) off for
-Public holiday date/ period: the first and last day of the public holiday; if it's only one day, the two dates should be the same
-Repeats every year checkbox: if the holiday repeats every year, or is it only a one-time rule
-Please select start / end year fields: the start year of the rule when to be applied and if the end year if the rule is going to expire.
-Applies to all members field: which will define if the rule should be applicable for all the members of the company or only for some specific positions or some specific locations. 

Special events

ex: Marriage

-Leave Days Rule Name:  the name of the rule that will appear when the user creates a new leave request

-Short name: the shortcode that will appear when the payroll / timekeeping is exported

-Days per request field: how many days can be requested as leave from this rule 

-Paid field: to define if this type of leave is paid or unpaid

-Applies to all members field: which will define if the rule should be applicable for all the members of the company or only for some specific positions or some specific locations. 

-Needs approval from direct manager / coordinator field: based on which the request will be approved by the time-off approver selected for each user in part or by the user with the general role of time-off approver. If unselected the request will be approved only by the user who has the general role assigned. 

 -Show in payroll & timekeeping exports field: based on which the leave request name will be shown in the payroll / timekeeping export. 


Medical Leave

-Leave Rule Name:  the name of the rule that will appear when the user creates a new leave request
-Short name: the shortcode that will appear when the payroll / timekeeping is exported
-Days per year field: how many days per year can be requested as leave from this rule 
-Please select start / end year fields: the start year of the rule when to be applied and if the end year if the rule is going to expire.
 -Paid field: to define if this type of leave is paid or unpaid
-Applies to all members field: which will define if the rule should be applicable for all the members of the company or only for some specific positions or some specific locations. 
-Needs approval from direct manager / coordinator field: based on which the request will be approved by the time-off approver selected for each user in part or by the user with the general role of time-off approver. If unselected the request will be approved only by the user who has the general role assigned. 
 -Show in payroll & timekeeping exports field: based on which the leave request name will be shown in the payroll / timekeeping export. 

3. How to activate/ edit a leave rule in Mirro

After you managed to fill in all the information, you will need to save the details. Once a rule has been added to the application, the rule should be activated to take effect. To activate a rule, you will need to select the option  Activate  available for each rule in part. 



Once the rule is activated, it will have an impact on the application. At the same time, you will also have the possibility to  edit  a rule once created. Our strong recommendation is to make the rule inactive first and afterward to make the changes needed. 


By defining leave rules in the application, your users will be able to request leave days. 

You can see the whole process more detailed in our video How to define the leave rules.