How to manage the time clock within your company

Mirro is offering you the possibility to monitor each workday within your company by activating clock-in functionality. Once the clock-in functionality is activated, you will be able to export reports about the time that is tracked. 
Define and monitor the time tracking
To activate the option, you will need to access the Admin area module > Company Settings section > General settings sub-section, and activate the option Clocking module. When the option is active, a new icon will be displayed on the screen offering the users the possibility to either start or stop the time tracking. 
To monitor all the activity registered, you will need to access the Leave and Attendance  module > Time clock section where you will have access to the following sub-sections: 
  • Export clocking sheet - based on which you will be able to export a report with all the details about time tracking in a specific period;
  • Today's stats - based on which you will be able to see the total number of the users clocked in and the user who clocked in first on the current date;
  • Clocking settings - based on which you will be able to send a clock-out notification or to stop the clock-in after a specific time. Furthermore, you will also be able to define if the settings will apply to all users or only for specific departments/positions. 
Once the details are set, the users will be able to start tracking their time during the activity performed. 
What happens if I forgot to clock in at the beginning of the day?
This is something that can happen to each one of us, especially if we rush in the morning to read our emails or solve that important task.
If you want to edit the start time, you can click again on the clock in option. You will see the total of time spent today, and you will have the options to edit the start and end time.

Please be advised that once you click on Done for today, you will not be able to edit again the timesheet. If you click on Done for today and then click again on Clock in, the system will integrate this action as a new work day.