How to use the eSign feature in Mirro

Electronic signatures offer a quick and paperless way to sign documents, using digital methods to verify a person's identity and certify the document's integrity. This process eliminates the need for physical signatures and is legally recognized in many jurisdictions.


Get rid of all the paperwork, and start using the eSign feature in Mirro!


Examples of documents that require a signature via Mirro:

  • Individual employment contract;
  • Additional documents;
  • Personal documents:
    -employee certificate;
    -job description;
    -certificate of seniority;
    -acts relating to the modification, suspension and termination of individual employment contracts;
    -documents attesting tax/tax exemptions;
    -evaluation sheets;
    -internal company policies;
    -Social Security Contribution certificate;
    -employment termination form;
    -collective labor contract;


The first step to integrate the electronic signature for your company in Mirro, is to establish an appendix to the contract. After that, our dedicated team will activate the feature corresponding to that functionality.


Like many other functionalities in Mirro, this one also works based on access rights.

To successfully use this feature, you will have to access the module Admin Area- Access Rights, and choose two users that will have the following roles within your company:

-Company signer (mandatory): this is the user who has signature rights on behalf of the organization;
-eSign watcher (optional): this user will be informed through notifications regarding the eSign process;

*you will also need a user with the access role Document requests management, who can manage all documents in the company;


How does the process work?

1. The user with the role Document requests management will access the employee's profile- View employment data- Documentsclick on Generate a document from template.

-Please make sure that you apply the placeholders in the document after this step.

-It's important to leave at least five blank rows between the placeholders, so the space is enough for the information.


2. The user with the role Document requests management will access the module Documents- All documents- click on Add a document- Upload and initiate eSign.

-Please make sure that each user involved in this process has access to the phone number written in their profile. If the user does not have access to the phone number from their profile, the cost will be charged but the signature will not be identified.

-The system will automatically add the country's prefix to the phone number, based on which country the user works from.

3. The user with the role eSign watcher will receive a notification to let them know that there is a document to be signed.

4. The user with the role Company signer will have to sign the document.

5. The employee will receive a notification to let them know it's their turn to sign the document.



eSign Statuses:

*Nobody signed:
applicable to documents entered on the signature flow, that have not yet been signed by any party;
*Signed by employee:
applicable to documents that have been signed by the employee;
*Signed by company:
applicable to documents that have been signed by the company;

-Signed: the final status, applicable to the documents that got all the necessary signatures.
*Signed by employee: applicable to the documents that have been signed by the employee;
*Signed by company: 
applicable to the documents that have been signed by the company;

-Expired: the document hasn't been signed in time; the document expires, and the process needs to be restarted.
*Signed by employee: applicable to the documents that have been signed by the employee;
*Signed by company: applicable to the documents that have been signed by the company;

-Cancelled: the document can be cancelled while it is still active.
*Nobody signed: applicable to the documents that are on the eSign flow, but are not signed by anyone yet;
*Signed by employee: applicable to the documents that have been signed by the employee;
*Signed by company: applicable to the documents that have been signed by the company;

-Failed: multiple documents have been uploaded, and one of the documents does not have all the information required (placeholders). The process must be redone.




1. Can I add multiple documents at once?
A: Yes, you can add up to 50 documents at once, with the limit of 10 Mbit/document.

2. Which kind of documents can I sign?
A: You can sign PDF and DocX documents.

3. Can I set an expiry date for de documents?
A: Yes! You can set an expiry date of a minimum of three days- a maximum of 28 days, plus other period variations.

4. What to do if we need to sign papers for a future employee?
For a future employee, the HR team will create their account as usual, but using their personal email address.
The new hire does not need access in Mirro. They will receive a link on their email that will redirect them to Namirial, where they will have to sign using the code they receive on their phone number.
After the document is signed, the HR team can change their email address in Mirro with the professional one.