Traditional, lengthy surveys can be time-consuming and overwhelming, making it harder to gather timely, actionable insights. Mirro’s survey tools are designed for agility, allowing HR leaders to launch quick, focused surveys that deliver real-time feedback on critical workplace dynamics like burnout risk, psychological safety, and employee well-being. Unlock the full potential of your team with our employee survey software fostering a culture of feedback, recognition, and continuous growth!
As many other features in Mirro, the Survey module is based on access rights. To begin with, you will have to access the module Admin Area- Access Rights, and click on Survey Admin. This access right allows the users who have it to administer all surveys:
The user who receives this access right will unlock a new module, called All surveys, with all the options from this module:
A survey admin will be able to:
-create new surveys for different locations, departments, teams, job roles or for the whole company;
-see all the surveys in the company;
-have implicit access to company wide results;
-set custom survey frequency (one time or recurring pulse surveys);
-customize recurring settings (daily, weekly, monthly);
What are the fields that I'm seeing on this page?
-Survey title and description;
-Latest Session: it shows the latest finalized session or the current in progress session;
-Completion Rate: it refers to the percentage of answers based on the audience for the latest session;
Survey Status:
*draft (not published);
*in progress (has an in progress session);
*scheduled (either has a finalized session and a scheduled future session, or no latest session but a scheduled session);
*finalized (all the sessions of the surveys have finalized);
Actions depending on the status of the survey:
-go to sessions (answers dashboard);
-edit (edit the survey);
-delete (delete the survey);
How to add a survey:
You will have to access the module All surveys and click on Create new survey. A new page will open, and it will be automatically saved; you can leave the page anytime, and your work will be saved as a draft.
First, you will have to add a title and and optional description of the survey;
The next step is to create the questions; here, you can:
-write the question;
-choose the type of answer (linear scale, multiple choice, checkboxes, short text or rating scale);
-for every answer type, you can create and add the values;After adding and editing the questions and answer types, it's time to select the audience.
Simply go back to the top of the page and click on Audience.
On this page you have the options to:
-choose the confidentiality (if you want the answers to be anonymous or not;
-select the audience based on location, departments, teams and job roles (you can also exclude or include users into these filters);Almost done- now schedule or post the survey
The survey can be posted as a single or multiple sessions.
Single session:
You can define a single session using the start and end date. The session will accept answers for the entire selected interval:
Multiple sessions:
Setting a custom recurrence/ repeatability for the Survey can be done by:
-selecting the type of repeatability like number of: days, weeks, months, years;
-selecting the accepting answer number of: days, weeks, months, years;
-ending the recurrence with a fixed date OR;
-ending the recurrence after a selected number of occurrences;
The Sessions preview is displayed and a horizontal scroll is available so you can preview all the sessions:
How can I view the answers?
The users included in the Audience will be notified that a survey awaits their answers, and they can also see the in progress Surveys in My Mirro:
Once they've answered the survey, you will be able to see their answers. You will have to access the module All surveys and click on the one you want to see the results for:
By clicking on Session results, you will be able to see:
-the start and end date of the survey;
-completion rate (the numbers of users targeted, number of users that have completed the survey and the overall score);
-for every question in part, you will be able to see the answers;
Export answers will be available in XLSX format. You can either export all sessions or select one or more sessions and export the answers only for the selected ones.