Mirro is a bright and beautiful tool that helps companies build high-performance and engaged teams. While looking at the Performance Insights, the users will have an overview of the individual & team performance. The dashboard will be automatically generated based on the company’s performance check-in form(s) and on situational forms.
-People Insights;
-Time Insights;
-Salaries Insights;
-Performance Insights;

Accessing the Performance Insights section, you will be able to filter the information and have an overview at the level of the company or per each department in part, showing you the following details:
1. Filters to filter your data by different criteria;
2. General stats:
-Time since the last check in;
-Performance Managers Stats;
-Reviews Duration per Performance Manager;
-Reviews Duration Distribution;
-Time to finalize;
3. Performance forms stats:
-Overall Performance;
Time since last check-in
Clicking on a segment will automatically take you to the All Checkins report, filtered for selected criteria and selected segment.
Performance Managers Stats
This graphic will show you the performance managers for the selected criteria (use the filters on the right of the page to search for the information you need), as well as the number of the managed people.Clicking on Performance Managers List will automatically get you to the module Performance- Performance Managers (available only for Company Performance Admin); a list with all the managers will appear, as well as their mentees and their overdue check ins. On top of the page you will also find the option Active users without performance managers, and you will be able to set a performance manager for these users, so their performance is also tracked.
Reviews Duration per Performance Manager
This graphic gives you the opportunity to visualize every performance manager and the average duration of their performance check ins with their mentees, viewed as number of days.
The review duration represents the period between the start date and the end date of the performance check in.
Reviews Duration Distribution
This graphic shows the checkins duration frequency, based on the time interval (months) and the number of check ins, based on the filters applied.
Time to finalize
This graphic represents the performance managers and the number of days between the end of a performance check in and the finalizing date.
The end date of a check in is the deadline set from the start that the users are trying to respect, while the finalizing date is the actual date when the performance check in is finalised.
Automatically generated graphics for Performance Check ins
There are two types of questions:
-answered only by the mentee or the performance manager;
-answered by both the mentee and the performance manager;
For each question in part, you will be able to see the number of people who have responded and the average answer for the mentees and the performance managers.