How do I set-up the recurrence date of a check-in

The check-in process is an important step in getting to know more about your mentees and their needs.


Based on how things work in your company, you can set up the performance check-ins recurrence date, by going to the module Admin Area- Performance Settings section.

Let's take as an example the picture above. Here are all the options you have on this page:

-Enable performance check-in at: the start date of when all the performance check ins should start;

-Time between performance check-ins:  for most employees in this example, the check-in happens every 6 months;

-Time until first check-in: for new employees, their first performance check-in happens after 4 months in the company; after that, the 6-month-rule will apply;


The performance timeframe takes into consideration the hire date of the user.


On the bottom of the page you will have a section dedicated to the performance check-in forms. For now, you will find a single form, a default one, with standard questions. You can edit it, choose if it's applicable for all members, deactivate it or view it.

If you choose to see the performance check in form, you have the option to view it either from a performance manager's point of view, or from an employee's.


You can choose to have multiple forms that can be different from one job role to another.

If you would like a custom form, you can contact us and we will define it according to your needs!


Please be careful before starting and make sure that you've read our article regarding the check-in steps: How to lead your people with performance check-ins


The three steps for going through the check-in organically and easily are:

  1. The mentee writes down their thoughts and shares them;
  2. The manager shares their thoughts as well;
  3. A live or online meeting takes part between the two participants; after that, the manager has to write down the summary of the discussion and finalize the check-in session. 

Please note that once a check-in session is finalized, there is no going back and editing the answers. You will have the possibility to add more details using the comments section which will be open automatically once the answers are shared.